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#678: Un_om_bun » #675: saintroy16 Supporter Platinum
Back to the top! 10-15-2017 21:08
I think the plan was to soak up pressure and hit Liverpool with a counter, and while the defending part was ok, the passing beyond United's third was atrocious. I frankly can't remember the last game where I saw so many missplaced passes, so many balls blasted in no-man's-land and outside the field. Because of that, the only chance the team got was Lukaku's and if he had scored now we would be talking about how brilliant the gameplan was and the team performed :P Praise de Gea!

#679: Buggle Supporter Gold » #1: Everyone
Back to the top! 10-15-2017 21:12
Buggle Supporter Gold
North York FC.
Canada All Canadian
Think this article is interesting. Mourinho is starting to flirt with PSG.


#680: chuksi » #679: Buggle Supporter Gold
Back to the top! 10-15-2017 22:19
Fc Luik
Estonia IV.40
Thought this quote was weird as well. That's one of the reasons why I hoped we'd appoint someone else. Jose is a short term solution and perhaps even needed right now, but not ideal at all.

The problem is that I don't see a great solution out there right now. I guess we won't see someone managing United for a longer period any time soon. Pochettino might be the only one that could manage long term. The only chance of him leaving Spurs seems to be if his ambition is bigger than the club's. If Kane and Alli leave and they can't replace them, then who knows... Who knows.. it might happen.

Manager of Fc Luik(95370)

in II.4(11370)

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