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Освојувачот на дупла круна а не е Пикито - The Don himself

Ахтунг ахтунг ахтунг!!!

Јас, Луљон Лика најголемиот истражувачки новинар на овие простори и пошироко сакам да ве известам дека интервјуто со победникот на купот е стокмено. Меџутим лаптопот ми го расипувал и сега морав да го праќам транскриптите кај еден мој многу почитуван македонист да го среди и објави.

Имајте пејшенс...

Голем поуздау од ваш и наш Луљон

Драги читачи и читачки, другари и другарки на нашиот дневен весник во продолжение на оваа објава можете да го прочитате текстот за ГМ Самсон, менаџерот кој после многу години успеа да освои трофеј во големо натпреварување.

Describe to us in a few sentences how you feel and what this success means to you?

Right now, I am happy that the project we started around 4 potential NT-midfielders for Makedonija also paid off in our clubteam. I also feel a bit sad that I had to break pikyto's streak. This success just shows that we took the right decisions in the past to build around some local players a decent team and that it takes time and persistence to chase dreams.

Before we get to the heart of this conversation, can you give us a little introduction?

I'm 32 years old and I live in Belgium. I am only present at work Saturdays and Sundays, so I have some time to spend to things I realy want to do. Right now I'm trying to get a degree in Accountancy. I like to play (beach-)volleyball and I used to play squash and run, but at this moment those are at a lower priority. Next to this, I am also a GM in Hattrick, where I am responsible for Global cases.

How did you start playing Hattrick? (who was your teacher)

I started playing when I was in secondary school, with a couple of friends from school. I don't think anyone of them is still playing now.

How did you develop your team during this time? Who helped you in the beginning and are you still learning?

At the start, I was just doing things and it went pretty well as I got some titles in the lower leagues in Belgium. Then the National Teams attracted my interest. I learned a lot from (2936024) about National Teams and (1531275) learned me a lot about all interesting things in the game, which helped me to develop a decent team and players. I am still learning as my team has never achieved a similar level.

Briefly tell us how the preparations for the final match went. Did everything go according to your assumptions and did you expect such a setup from the opponent?

Nothing much happened for this last game. We knew Matovski had two formations he could play and we would have a huge advantage against both options he would play. We did put some changes in case he would play differently or the random would step in, but they weren't needed.

What do you think about future performances in the Masters? What do you think it takes to win this prestigious competition?

I do not have high expectations in the Masters. It would be nice to survive one round. It takes experience, a lot of good decisions, the best players a team can have and some luck.

How satisfied are you with the quality and knowledge of the managers in Macedonia about the game?

We have different opinions on some subjects regarding NT, but in general I think it is fun to play in the first league with some managers that are realy pushing each other.

Which of the managers left the best impression on you, and who disappointed you the most?

My respect for pikyto is incredible. His team is actually showing how a team should be trained and built and that it takes time to achieve success. The disappointments so far will prove in the future that I was wrong or not, so I'll give them their proper chance to achieve their goals.

Are there managers with whom you are in daily communication?

(2125885) is a very good friend and a great guy to share thoughts with! He has won the Masters already, so I'll definetely ask him for some advice!

What's the craziest thing you're willing to do for your team to win?

Decide whether I will play PIC/Normal/MOTS. The team is growing and in a process, huge changes will come when the time is there.

Have you ever been in a situation in the company or in the family where you talk about HT and they look at you strangely?

I don't need to talk about HT to have this situation.

Finally, do you have a message for the managers of HT in Macedonia?

Make a plan, follow it and don't do anything crazy that could destroy the plan and make you start over. Continuation and improvement are key.

2023-12-23 13:34:43, 70 views

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