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Projek Remaja

What is it? Does it benefit my team in the long term? What can I do to participate in this so-called Projek Remaja? What are the requirements to join this project?

Projek Remaja is a project that we use to scout high potential players throughout Malaysia. But for this moment, we only scout in Perlis and Melaka. All you need to do is open up a Youth Academy (YA) and hire at least one scout and put them in either Perlis or Melaka.

The idea of starting our own Projek Remaja comes from a thread in Pakistan. They claimed that they have found a way to get the best pulls. So, the idea of this thread is brought here to Malaysia to find potentially good players in the youth pool. You can find the original Pakistani thread here >> (12815819.1) .

The theory was to clear the player pool in these states. So, smaller states were chosen because they had smaller pools and thus can be cleared faster than bigger pools. It is thought that when there are fewer football clubs originating from these states (Perlis & Melaka), youth players will migrate to other states which is bigger and have more football clubs. When these things happen, there will be less players in the smaller states.

So, our job is to clear those who had been left out. Probably they were kids that didn't have big ambitions to play football. Most of them are old (17 years old is considered old and matured in YA system) and low skilled. When our scouts came to scout there and continuously rejected those with crap skills, they will possibly hate football and left the player pool. However, those who had left were replaced by new kids (probably their younger brothers) who were more ambitious and have great outstanding skills. Most of them were recruited into one's YA and then train to their full potential.

This theory has been proven right because I have heard of some players who were scouted in these states and then promoted to become one hell of a monster. They could bring you big bucks when sold or you can keep them in your team, trained perfectly and get them into the Malaysia U20 team.

But before you can think of all that luck, you must know the basics and follow the rules to be part of our scouting team. You can read the rules here ;

Number of scouts : 3 is the best
Where to scout : Perlis or Melaka. (You can split them if you want i.e 2 in Perlis, 1 in Melaka)
What to look for : better to scout for certain players e.g winger.

A. Call 1st scout
i. Accept if 15 year old or
ii. 16 year old that shows solid/excellent primary skills or
iii. 16 year old inadequate/passable overall skill

B. Call 2nd scout - same as the above

C. Call 3rd scout - Accept regardless of skills. You can fire them later if useless.

It is important to accept the 3rd offered player even if he is useless because once he is rejected in a number of occasions, he will get bored and absolutely leave the player pool. As time goes by and many players being rejected, new batch of players are born with better skills and of younger age.

If you like to take part in this project, let us know by posting rejected/recruited players under the "Projek Remaja" thread. If you happen to find a really good player (which is nice) and you don't know what to do, just ask the users there and we will discuss on how to train the player in the right way.

So, Malaysian users, are you ready to join us? Don't worry if you don't have enough money to start the YA. You can save up a bit and set up a great YA afterwards.

If you have some questions, feel free to HT-mail me (10048256). I will be happy to help you. You can also ask questions in the Projek Remaja thread in the forum. I'm sure there will be someone to help you out.

2012-02-23 07:43:15, 2691 views

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