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The Casino (Forum Predictions Game)

This is an announcement of the grand reopening of the most visited Jordanian forum topic in history, it is The Casino, it is just a simple predictions game for the results of HT matches, join us in the forum, there are a lot of interesting topics to join, your opinions matter.


The rules are listed there as well

Yes, I am going to re-open the long forgotten thread, it was a part of our history, it got many users to be active in the forum and thats why am gonna bring it to life. Many thanks to Falasteen's manager engleeze, cause he is the inventor along with an old user Wedo666 who quit, both closed it because they were busy, and also GM-7areega was the manager before, but he closed for the same reason, but now it feels right to come to the light once again.

How to play?

It simple, every Monday I will list some matches for you to predict the result, you can choose between two types of betting, predicting the winning side or predicting the exact result, the latter is harder but earns more points if you like the risk. You can place a bet on one match or all of the matches, you are not forced to place a full bet. Betting closes every Saturday at 11:59PM HT-Time, all bets after that will be excluded and no points will be added to your pocket.

Any rules?

Of course, here are they.

1- You do not talk about the casino.
2- Betting starts after the placement of the matches until Sturday 11:59PM HT-Time.
3- Everyone can play.
4- Everyone starts with 100 chips if they join in the first week, for every week you come in late you receive a 10 points deduction on your initial capital.
5- Minimum bet is 10 chips, everything lower will be excluded.
6- Think thoroughly before placing a bet, if your post has been edited it will be dismissed, if you delete your post and create another your bet will be dismissed and you will be fined with 10 points, you cant change your mind.
7- You can only place 1 bet on each match, you cant place 2 bets on the same match.
8- You can play as much as you want as long as you have more than 10 chips.
9- If you have been disqualified for losing everything, you cant sign in again, you have 1 chance to play again and thats when someone is going to donate 10 chips to you, you have the right to use this option once per season.
10- You CANT place a bet on a match that you are a part of, doing so will cost you 20 points.
11- You MUST place a bet every week, failing to do so will cost you 10 points for every week you dont participate in.

Points system

Match 1: Team A vs Team B (Team A wins 3-1)

User X bet that Team A wins with 20 chips - User X wins 20 points so he now have 120
User Y bet that Team B wins with 20 chips - User Y loses 20 points so he now have 80
User Z bet that it will end in draw with 20 chips - User Z loses 20 points

User V bet that Team A will win 3-1 with 20 points
User V wins 20 points for predicting the winner
User V wins 20 points for guessing the home goals right
User V wins 20 points for guessing the away goals right

User W bet that Team A will win 2-1 with 20 points
User W wins 20 points for predicting the winner
User W loses 20 points for predicting the home goals wrong
User W wins 20 points for predicting the away goals right

User Q Bet that Team A will win 4-2 with 20 points
User Q wins 20 points for predicting the winner
User Q loses 20 points for predicting the home goals wrong
User Q loses 20 points for predicting the away goals wrong

User F bet that Team B will win 0-3 with 20 points
User F loses 20 points for predicting the winner
User F loses 20 points for predicting the home goals wrong
User F loses 20 points for predicting the away goals wrong

Anything else?

No, that all folks, enjoy the game.
Breaking the rules will get you 5-10 in a federal prison :P

P.S. The game is currently for fun, if you want to spice it up you can donate a prize of 3 month supporter if you want to.

P.S. We are open for suggestions, send me any ideas and reviews.

2011-09-03 02:31:07, 2336 views

Link directly to this article (HT-ML, for the forum): [ArticleID=13691]

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