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World of Hattrick

Ongoing Competitions

World Cup U21 World Cup is on Round I
Next match: Friday 20:00

Upcoming Competitions

Hattrick Masters Hattrick Masters has not started yet.
Next match: 6-24-2024 16:00

Reigning champions

World Cup U21 World Cup Hattrick Masters Supporter Week Trophy
Latvia Latvija
Managed by Salnas
Managed by PitRules88
Deportivo Mato Grande
Managed by Praqol
Hellas - Kavala
Managed by LA-Hellas_Kavala

National Teams - Press Announcements

6-8-2024 Spain U21 España: Sin título.
6-8-2024 North Macedonia Severna Makedonija: Започнува нова ера / A new era begins
6-8-2024 Ukraine Ukraina: NT Ukraine
6-8-2024 Poland Polska: Sztab NT Polska
6-7-2024 Nigeria Nigeria: NIGERIA ABS STAFF
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