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Season 71 is being played right now.

Has 17 regions and is located in Asia. Currency is $.

Out of 2 728 available teams, of which 122 are active, 4 are logged in.

Reigning champions


Heavy Guns
Managed by -PIper- Supporter Platinum


Managed by DaBuYin

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4-24-2024 02:45 - Cup and friendlies

Hattrick Press

3-28-2014 HT-Gusy: "I miss latin music and dancing"


This is a Traditional Chinese Translation for interview with Ht-Gusy, who is Game developer. This is a co-work from global Hattrick Press team, if you manage to see the original English version, please see (17739)

在自己樂愛的遊戲公司上班,肯定是全世界最幸福的工作之一,而遊戲公司的核心人物及組織,總是給人隔層面紗的神秘印象。是誰 ? 誰是這群最幸福的工作者呢 ? 讓我們慢慢地揭開神秘的面紗,介紹他們的故事。

今天,我們很榮幸發表一篇HT-Gusy的專訪,一位在瑞典足球線上遊戲公司工作的委內瑞拉籍女性遊戲開發員,這個組合可真有趣 !!

2644 views Written by bolam100

3-17-2014 專訪38賽季杯賽冠軍 - - Kaohsiung United

the winner of Taiwan 38th season cup is Kaohsiung United,

this is his 2nd cup title within 3 seasons,

t's honored for Reporter BOLAM to have an interview with Kaohsiung Uuited to share his successfully experience.

3435 views Written by bolam100

11-21-2013 專訪37賽季杯賽冠軍 -- The Revelation

37th season cup title goes to The Revelation (935578), also The Revelation is an experienced manager, I believe he has many stories to share.

杯賽第37賽季的冠軍花落The Revelation (935578),The Revelation是個資深玩家,想必有不少可以分享的故事。

It's honored for Reporter BOLAM to have an interview with The Revelation to share his successfully experience.
特派記者王跛輪很榮幸的安排了一次與The Revelation的近距離專訪,分享他的成功經驗

this press is also published in PTT Hattrick discussion area
本文亦同步發表於PTT Hattrick專版

3406 views Written by bolam100

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