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Rossoneri Roeselare Belgium (843173)

Ongoing Competitions

# 4 in VI.14

Hattrick Arena

# 1104 in Ladder Global

# 37 in Ladder Start season 27

# 62 in Ladder Belgium

# 11 in Ladder West-Vlaanderen

# 1286 in Ladder Anniversary Countdown

Club details

Managed by Il_Cardo Supporter Platinum

2 147 members in "Man te paard" eters

Stadium: Hakken en branden veld (capacity 61 899)

League Position Ranked: #5 725

Power Rating

Ranked #53 802 in the World, #1 729 in Belgium and #415 in West-Vlaanderen

Press announcement

11-28-2022 Benvenuti

Benvenuti a tutti in questo torneo « screditato » 😉
Se prevedi di non partecipare con uno dei tuoi team, fai clic su rifiuta, per permettermi di fare altri inviti.
Grazie e buona fortuna.

Welkom iedereen bij dit toernooi "zonder credits" 😉
Als je van plan bent om niet met een van je teams deel te nemen, klik dan op weigeren, zodat ik andere uitnodigingen kan doen.
Bedankt en veel succes.

Bienvenue à tous dans ce tournoi « sans crédits » 😉
Si vous prévoyez de ne pas participer avec l'une de vos équipes, cliquez sur refuser, pour me permettre de faire plus d'invitations.
Merci et bonne chance.

Welcome everyone to this "without credits" tournament 😉
If you plan not to participate with one of your teams, click on decline, to allow me to make more invitations.
Thanks and good luck.


5-31-2023 Last message by  Pekkomies Supporter Diamond

(„• ̊ •„)♡
Hi my friend
Thank you for your support and have a great summer!
૮₍ ˶•⤙•˶ ₎ა./づ~ 🍓

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