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N. Quyền (414223876)

"Perfect Cheap excellent DT"

A sympathetic guy who is calm and dishonest.
Has divine (+7)(27) experience and wretched(2) leadership. Has divine(20) loyalty.

Owner Cuervos Negros FC (since 6-27-2021)
Wage 300 US$/week
Speciality Powerful
Date Match Position Stars
9-6-2023 Friendly (Cup Rules) Cuervos Negros  - Puros Flaites F 1 - 6 Central defender ‭(94')‬
7-26-2023 Copa Chile Los Kaysers - Cuervos Negros FC 7 - 1 Central defender ‭(93')‬
6-25-2023 Friendly (Cup Rules) Cuervos Negros FC - Milberg City 2 - 3 Keeper ‭ (92')‬
6-21-2023 Friendly Cuervos Negros  - Malcriados FC 3 - 7 Keeper ‭ (93')‬
5-23-2023 Friendly Kaljamakelit - Cuervos Negros FC 2 - 1 Central defender ‭(92')‬
5-17-2023 Friendly Cuervos Negros  - Borussia Leopol 0 - 4 Central defender ‭(93')‬
5-10-2023 Friendly Cuervos Negros FC - Tartamoto FC 2 - 0 Inner midfielder ‭(90')‬
4-19-2023 Copa Julio de Pablos Caño Zafiro Cuervos Negros FC - Real Hualpén 6 - 5 Inner midfielder ‭(121')‬
4-5-2023 Copa Julio de Pablos Caño Zafiro Cuervos Negros  - Grandes Kakes 4 - 3 Inner midfielder ‭(122')‬
3-8-2023 Copa Chile ATHLETIC DE BIL - Cuervos Negros 0 - 9 Inner midfielder ‭(94')‬
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