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R. Candido (304379350)

This former player is 61 years and 49 days old and has been in the Hall of Fame since he was 43 years old.

"162 gol in biancorosso, il miglior cannoniere di sempre. Con lui allenatore, il Mantova è risalito in V e ci è rimasto tre stagioni. Licenziato dopo uno spareggio vinto: c'è ingratitudine nel calcio"

Current career: Player Union Representative
Last club: Mantova 1911
Retired: 11-19-2018
First day with club: 6-2-2012
Seasons with club: 21
Career Goals: 192
Career Hattricks: 13
Total matches for club: 306
Best Performance: ***********
Best match: 485588872
Last match for club: 615440946
Former clubs: Real Molassana 1978 Football And Curling Club
Most memorable match:

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