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W. Sete (232877387)

This former player is 75 years and 73 days old and has been in the Hall of Fame since he was 31 years old.

"One of the originals! Walter was once captain of this fine side and he certainly did this team and manager proud. All the best in your TV career Mr. Sete!"

Current career: Infomercial Host
Last club: Casula United
Retired: 10-15-2010
First day with club: 1-24-2009
Seasons with club: 5
Career Goals: 2
Goals for the team: 2
Total matches for club: 32
Best Performance: **+
Best match: 213181655
Last match for club: 261172789
Former clubs: Has been faithful to Casula United his entire career!
Most memorable match:

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