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Interview with HT-managers: Denmark

I'm starting to publish a series of interviews with managers from various countries. For me it's important to get to know a man, not a manager. To know who is he in real life. One man – one country. Today we are going to Denmark.

First our guest is Goffdahl (172094).

Mod-Ker: Hi! Please, introduce yourself.
Goffdahl: Hi, I am Pelle, 41 years old, living in Denmark. Married with 2 boys, aged 1 and 3.

Mod-Ker: Where were you born? Where did you spend your childhood? What feelings appear when you think about the place you grew up?
Goffdahl: I was born in Copenhagen, the capitol of Denmark. I lived in a residential area in the outskirts of the city, close to a lake. It is a very nice and safe area for families with kids typically. I lived there all of my childhood until I moved away in my early twenties. I was a privileged child and I only have great memories of my childhood.

Mod-Ker: What is the most memorable place in your city for you and why?
Goffdahl: For me it’s the whole city and surroundings that is remarkable. Denmark and Copenhagen are rather small compared to other countries and capitals, meaning you can get around in no time. You can stand in the city center surrounded by thousands of people and then you can jump on a bike and in 20 minutes you can be at a beach, at the countryside or whatever you prefer. So many options available. I really enjoy the sea like most Danes do. We are blessed in our country – there is no place in our country you can be where the sea is farther away than 50 km!

Mod-Ker: What hobbies did you have in the childhood, which have stayed or appeared?
Goffdahl: From very early childhood I started playing football. This stuck with me all through my childhood, youth and adult life. I played at a rather high level, though not elite/professional. Now I only play with my oldest kid in the garden. Also, I got interested in fishing as a child. I lost this interest in my youth as other things, like studying, partying etc took over, but I have taken it up as an adult again and I go fishing whenever its possible. I like all kinds of fishing, freshwater, saltwater etc. Seatrout fishing and pike fishing are among my favorites.
And then I have a huge interest for Magic the Gathering which also started in my childhood and is something I have taken up again as an adult now that I can afford to buy the expensive cards.

Mod-Ker: What do you read and what's your favourite book?
Goffdahl: I’m not much of a reader. Mostly I read online articles, news etc. It’s been many, many years since I last read a book.

Mod-Ker: What was the most remarkable event that happened in your life?
Goffdahl: Of course, having kids is a major thing in my life. But if I should mention something else it’s actually about starting playing Hattrick. It was around 20 years ago and quickly became a huge part in my life. At some point I decided to try and make a game like Hattrick myself and together with some friends we made a game over 5-6 years. So, instead of studying I worked on my game. So, I never got any degrees but I learned about digital
marketing which in turn landed me a job in the digital marketing industry. Today I’m in charge of my own team of digital marketing professionals. All because of Hattrick.

Mod-Ker: What music do you prefer?
Goffdahl: Music is also a great passion for me. I listen to very obscure subgenres of metal. Mainly black metal. From Scandinavia, France, Germany, US and from eastern Europe primarily. It’s always on in my basement. Music does something special and I can easily get chills by listening to some beautiful, haunting, atmospheric black metal.

Mod-Ker: How did you know about HT?
Goffdahl: I was introduced by a friend. Like so many other. He did not play for long himself but I stuck and I have probably made 20-25 other people start playing myself.

Mod-Ker: What did you like about Hattrick and what you didn't?
Goffdahl: I really like that it’s such a slow game. This is the main reason I have kept playing for 20 years. Even if you have a period where you are not really dedicated its possible to keep your team with very little effort. And when you start spending more time, you get some nice results in return. So Hattrick is all about “you get what you give” and you can decide what is your preferred way of playing and determine your own goals.
There are still a few things I don’t like about the game. I think longshots tactics was a mistake and I don’t think the HT team is great at dealing with the economy in the game. Getting rid of hoarding of future coaches was very good (although I lost many, many millions), but it was executed badly and still is handled very unprofessionally. It is very hard to run your club efficiently when there is so much uncertainty about the future of key features in the game.

Mod-Ker: What changes in the last time were the most useful and important?
Goffdahl: I really like the recent changes with the specialties which has made the game more diverse. Also, the youth club (although a very old addition) was great for the game. It is also very important to be able to have multiple teams to experiment with other ways of running a successful club.

Mod-Ker: What do you want to change in the game or add to it?
Goffdahl: Don’t change too much. It can quickly become much too difficult and complicated, especially for new players. Just tweak features that does not work as intended. Like future coach hoarding should have been tweaked 5 years ago.

Mod-Ker: What kind of objectives do you have?
Goffdahl: In Hattrick my objective is to win the top league with my secondary team in Norway. I already won it in Denmark. In Denmark, I planning on winning the cup when I return back to the top in a few years. My real life objective is just to watch my kids grow up and be happy.

Mod-Ker: And finally: what is the most important part in HT for you?
Goffdahl: The people. Throughout the twenty years I have been playing, I have met hundreds and hundreds of fellow Hattrick players. Being part of federations and communities and the forum and by participating in real life gatherings has made me many acquaintances and friends. I would surely miss this if Hattrick was not around.

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