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Interview with Uncle-Mish aka Papa-Mish

Not only did we know him as a Twitch-streamer and former champion of Israel, but recently he also went on to become a proud dad. More than enough reasons to interview this HT-hero: Papa-Mish (11419808)!

Thanks for this interview Uncle-Mish, or rather Papa-Mish 😊. On behalf of the Hattrick Community, congratulations on the birth of the baby.

Thank you all!
It’s an exciting new feeling!

Please introduce yourself, mentioning what you think
is pertinent about you and your journey in Hattrick.

Hey everyone, I'm Michael but most people in Hattrick know me as Uncle-Mish.
I was born in Vilnius, Lithuania and moved with my family to Israel when I was 7 years old. It was almost 30 years ago and I'm 37 now. Married to Lena (13512237), she joined HT for me and now she really likes it and we are expecting our first son this month! I own an educational business, we do special courses in the fields of science, engineering and thinking development for children.

Note: as some of you might know, Mish's wife Lena has given birth
to a beautiful son last month. Congratulations!

I had a lot of hobbies as a kid, I played a lot of Chess and different sports, but football was my favorite to play and to watch. I was playing mainly with friends and loved to be a goalkeeper, and I could remember a lot of teams and professional players. Long before HT excisted, I was playing hours upon hours of CM95-96.

I first heard about of Hattrick when an Israeli manager won the Hattrick Masters and a big sport channel made an article about it in 2007, but you had to wait a long time to get a team and I forgot about it. Then I rejoined in 2011 for the first time and I loved it from the start! I was reading every piece of material about the game to become as strong as I can and to progress in the leagues, and I was always active in the forums. I soon heard about cycle training and started to create my own long term plan.

After a year in the game, the local staff noticed me and offered to join them, and after a few more months I became a GM and volunteered for 2.5 years. During this time my primary team managed to reach the highest division and win 6 titles. With the introduction of 2nd and 3rd teams I wanted to build even stronger projects, and I'm trying to achieve it and share my ideas about Cycle training and being competitive.

When streaming became popular and wanted to do something for HT, since 2018 I do regular streams 3 times a week and also make Hattrick videos on YouTube. With time more managers watch the streams and YT and it really make this game a special community.

You are considered to be a Hattrick guru 😊, did you spend
a lot of time reading the manual when you started?

I’m flattered! At the beginning I tried to read everything there is about the game, and I still try to understand all the changes and the way the game developed, for myself and help others.

What attracts you most about Hattrick?

Two things attracts me to Hattrick: I enjoy the intellectual challenge, how to build a perfect team, prepare for matches and win titles. And the community is the second part of it, the people,
friendships and competitive rivalries 😊

What is your advice for those who start in Hattrick?

Be patient and discover what interests you best, then you’ll enjoy this game for years!

I see that you have two teams in the Israel championship and the third team in Ethiopia,
what are your expectations in each of the championships?

Sherlock’s – starting a new and exciting cycle training plan, see you in 2025!
Black Sabbath – win the double and try to compete on the top level in the HM in the future.
Sneaky – win the double and just enjoy.

What motivates you to create videos on YouTube and to report games in streaming?

I enjoy performing and the fact that I can help other managers, and seeing the channels grow and more people viewing gives me more motivation to continue.

What was your most difficult opponent in Hattrick?

That’s a really interesting question. We have a lot of strong teams in Israel, but at the time when Sherlock was strong, other great local managers were on the decline, yet I’ll mention:

- Pashosh (344256) who won 8 straight titles and he’s coming back to div-I next season
- Rehovot's Wizards (341547) who manages to play in the top division for 24 seasons and always be strong
- Maccabi Maccabim-Reut (1087557) he won 5 Cup titles and has a lot of money, so maybe he’ll be back soon. There are other really strong teams as well

In Ethiopia it’s also special, as everyone started fresh, some rivalries became interesting: FC aLeMkA Walias (2064713) We played two Cup finals, I was better in both but he was lucky to win ib the first season, after I had my revenge in season 2, he closed this team, despite having good chances to win a championship. 49ers II (2064703) in this season, this German manager has a really strong team, we played twice this week, he won in the league and has 3 point lead on me, and I won the Cup semi final.

Next season I hope to make new rivalries against the strongest teams in the Hattrick Masters.

Your wife Lena is in the same league as you, have you had many disagreements with her?

We joined the same league for fun, but luckily Sherlock is rebuilding and Lena beats me easily, but I said that I’ll have no mercy when I’ll become competitive!

What expectations do you have about the new national team championship?

It’s a new and interesting format, I think a lot of people will find it exciting, and I really want to do a special Talk-Show stream with different NT/U20 coaches, to discuss the new implication of u20 timing, the new format, the TS resets and so on.

In your opinion, what can and should be improved in Hattrick?

I love that the game always changes, and you have the challenge and decision making.
I think the financial side should be addressed, with player inflation the unnatural future coach market. Also I’d love to see a “RandoMeter” that gives some indication to a team at the end of the season, how lucky or unlucky they were (something general for everyone, but not as exact compared to the 100 replays).

Final question - when will the junior play hattrick?

He’ll have to prove he’s worthy 😊. But in a few years I’d love to teach him both Chess and Hattrick.

And Thank you for this great opportunity!

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