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You know you play too much Hattrick when...

This article is a translation from a French external article about Hattrick: (http://www.sofoot.com/tu-sais-que-tu-joues-trop-a-hattrick-quand-181249.html).
Dating from 2014, but which is still relevant for many of us, as we celebrated, two months ago, the 20th anniversary of Hattrick!

In these days, virtual football doesn't sum up to FIFA, PES and Football Manager. There is also Hattrick, a free on-line game about football management, and in which there are still 250,000 active users or so. A strange and fascinating world, where football is reduced to statistics, called PIC, TSI and SE. A game in which you can go deep down, body and soul.

Anyway, you know when you are playing too much Hattrick when...

- You put your alarm clock at 3:29 AM, because there was a nice 17 years-old Venezuelian player with "double solid in PM & Passes" to buy at 3:39.

- You are more depressed by the defeat of your team in Hattrick than the defeat of your IRL team.

- You were already sad to notice that one of you former players now evolves in one of the worst teams ever. Or worse, in a future bot.

- You find that Football Manager is too easy.

- You forget that, in real life, it is really possible to train defenders and scorers at the same time.

- You think that 2-5-3 is a valid tactic line-up.

- You know you will never forget your greatest run in Cup, when your 7th series team won against a 4th series team.

- You saw someone win with a "7-0-3 Counter-attacks" line-up. You wanted to do the same. So it was the worst defeat of your career and you missed your training.

- You already talked about a match to a friend as if you were at the nearest of the pitch for real.

- You already imagined yourself preparing the Hattrick Masters, before going back to the preparation of the line-up of your 8th series team.

- When you were asked "To which game are you playing, right now?" at the office, you prefered to answer "Oh, nothing, a small game..." . Because it is too complicated to explain in two minutes.

- You lost a friendly game against a friend on a Wednesday afternoon. Because this douchebag puts his first team.

- You are a at a loose end and you think life doesn't matter during the two weeks of interlude between each season.

- You know verbs like "to MOTS" or "to PIC".

- You came up late at a lunch because of a player on the transfers market you had to follow, but you never told the real reason why you were actually late.

- You mock people who are always on their Facebook page on their computer. But there is nothing to say about yourself...

- You knew the time when you can stay in the 7th series with only three solid inner midfields with experience.

- You met some users who don't care about finishing on the first or the last place of their series. They just want to train players!

- You already jumped in your bedroom, on a Saturday morning, when you picked up a solid 17 years-old player from your training center.

- You were there during the transfers market crash of 2005. And the one of 2006. Without to mention the one of 2007. Actually, you feel like there is a black Thursday every week in this game.

- You know benefits of  5-5-0, pressing, in a friendly game, in Cup mode, for the training of your defenders.

- You never sleep on Friday nights before picking a player from your Youth Academy (or your scouting network).

- You harassed a manager from Andorra in order to make him accepting to play a friendly game against you, as you're a "flag hunter".

- You cannot resolve yourself to fire a player from your historic team, even if he is 42, has an infinite injury and is disastrous in every skill.

- You have an Excel file to follow the evolution of the TSI of your players.

- So you actually know what TSI is.

- You wonder if Messi's TSI is higher than Christiano Ronaldo's one.

- On a Friday evening, you saw a "Divine" player who was cheap. Inevitably, you rushed and bought him, thinking you did the deal of the century. Then you saw his salary and you started to cry.

- You think Falcao could play the World Cup if Monaco would hire a Level 5 Medic (or before the Staff reform, 10 Medics).

- Every year, you are telling yourself: "By the next 3 years, my target is to go in the upper series."

- You had a miraculous victory, the game in which you injured the opponent's keeper and where his substitute was a goat. The kind of match you are going to tell your kids - if you find the time to make some.

- You thought about quiting the game when there was an insignificant update which, according to you, "ruined the game" .

- You made a friend in Peru, and another friend in Benin.

- You remember that, at the start of the match, you thought the game was realistic. Your Guardiola-style 4-5-1 had a harsh defeat against an old-fashioned 3-4-3 with no Winger.

Readers contribution:

enigmamz (314004): When someone uses "brilliant!" as a positive exclamation, and you think, "Meh, it's got a couple seasons of training to go still."

When you try to use HT currency conversions in real life. (A Canadian dollar is worth considerably more than 50 cents US)(17141913.2)

prst_u_uho (13342195): When you see Barcelona playing 4-3-3 and they have 75% of possession and you go like: "What the..."(17141913.4)
When you can name all of your approximately 25 players, but you hardly can name 15 players playing for your favourite club. [post=17141913.]

_Fleming_ (10382507): When you tell your girlfriend that your movie session will have to be postponed for an hour or so because there's a player on the transfer list you wanna buy. (17141913.6)

MichaelH1987 (8580049): When you see Messi and wonder how he can be quick, technical and unpredictable.(17141913.7)

tSubotai (13149745): When your family, friends & colleagues ask you "What's this Hattrick?" (17141913.9)

Afugl (4606638): When you love friday mornings, and jump fresh out of bed, to check the training update. (17141913.11)

chuck00norris (1194723): When a 17 year old junior player you were really proud to have recruited got sold and currently gets no more training, being completely wasted in some noob's team.
When you keep your pajamas on, on Saturdays, just until the league match is over. (17141913.12)

captain_gut (666768): When you can stay in the 6th series with any players as there was no 7th series (17141913.13)

GM-identityshaker(9105967): You refuse to sell a 33 - 34 yo player because he's been with your for at least 10 seasons and it feels like your selling a member of the family ..... deep down you know it makes total sense but your conscience wont let you.

Romanian_Cracka (11657353): When I started to understand the way the ME works.
When I knew the answer of a user before he actually answered the question.(17141913.16)

e-Stefan (12345345):When you are not sure if you know the name because it's the RL player or HT player.

When you don't complain about ME because "that's life".(17141913.17)

phiphty (10116446): When you're up so late at night that you start agreeing with people who proclaim "5 hours of sleep are better than 8".

When your whole day/ evening (or even week) is ruined by an unexpected (ridiculous) loss in the league or cup.

When you think about your lineup and different formation approaches 15 to 30 minutes prior to falling asleep.(17141913.18)

lolocrespi (8857032): When you log in, even when you have absolutely nothing to do with yours teams (because you did everything one hour ago) but you still go through the different pages... (17141913.21)

LA-gustavito (5332180): You know you play too much HT when you have recurrent and very vivid nightmares about forgetting to set the lineup for an important match :P (17141913.23)

royson3 (12104313): I know I've been playing too much HT when I read threads like these. And know I'll be back later to check what's been added. :)

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[userid=]: [post=17141913.]

Why don't you also tell us that you actually know you're playing too much Hattrick when... (17141913.1). Come on, we're waiting to hear your fun facts on the forum. :)

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Previous article: Interview with 'The Conquer of Two Worlds' (20189).

2017-11-10 17:49:17, 3167 views

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