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The Youth Academy (part two)

Second part of (19251). Can read about:

- player's skills
- training report
- perfect age for U-20
- extra training
- general advices

How do I reveal my players current and maximum skills?

On 24 hours after the final whistle in your youth match, your coach will give you a training report. This report will always reveal the following information, provided only if the players involved have played at least 44 minutes in the match:

★Current skill level in the primary training type for a player in a trainable position.

★ Maximum potential skill level in the secondary training type for a player in a trainable position.

★Maximum potential skill in a training type not used in the match. Set pieces excluded. The revealed max potential is in one of the players three best skills.

★Sometimes a players agreeability and/or a speciality will be revealed.

The training is the same as for the first team, both primary and secondary.

One exception however, is that the players can receive more than 90 minutes of training within a week, since training matches can be played in the same week as regular matches. The training is per match, so you can change training types between two matches within the same week.

The coach may also provide you with information regarding skillups, specialities, leadership and overall abilities.

Example of a training report:

You have chosen playmaking as primary, and short passes as secondary training before a match. Next day the coach will provide you some important information, something like this:

★Current playmaking skill for one player placed as either inner midfielder or wing.

★Maximum potential for one player placed as inner midfielder, wing or forward.

★Maximum potential for one random player in one of the following skills: defense, winger, scoring or goalkeeper.Remember: this skill is one of the players top three skills.

With the growing knowledge you gain about your players, you will be able to force skill reveals on the players. It is done as follows:

You have for example 4 players with their maximum defending potential known and you want to reveal the max defending potential on a fifth player. Place all five in defense and choose defending as secondary training.

The same procedure applies for current skill. If you have two players with known current skills in scoring and one with unknown, you place all three as forwards and choose scoring as primary training.


★Your coach will not reveal any current skill for primary training on any player if you know the current skills for all players in a trainable position.

★ Your coach will not reveal any max potential for secondary training on any player if you know the current skills for all players in a trainable position.

★Your coach will not reveal any max potential on any player if primary and secondary training are the same.

★In other words, if you set playmaking as both primary and secondary training you will only get current skill reveals, never maximum potential. The same goes for all other types of double training.

The following combinations do not count as double training:

Defending/Defensive positions
Crossing/Wing attacks
Short passes/Through passes

Even if these combinations respectively train the same skill, they are considered different training types, and will reveal both current skill and max potential according to the information listed above.

Is my player's age suitable for the U-20 National team?

The U-20 World Cup is always played on the same day every season. Namely on Sunday week 16. To be able to participate in the final, your player must not have reached the age of 21 that particular day.

That's why many of the larger nations choose to pick players whose age fits as perfectly as possible to the day of the final. The player with the spot on perfect age will become 21 the day after the final.

This is also the case in the seasons in between finals, when the qualification for the World Cup take place. The perfect aged player becomes 21 the day after the last qualification match, which is played on Friday, week 16.

Here you can see the perfect age:


You will find the perfect ages at respectively “Qualifiers 14th matchday” and “Final”

Extra effective training

If you want to squeeze the maximum possible amount of training out of your players, you should seriously consider entering only series of 4 teams. The benefit is that you can minimize the season break by cancelling the series as soon as it is over, and start a new one right away, with a starting date as early as possible.
This way you will play more matches over time, but that requires of course that you find some very active managers, willing to participate, to make sure that you can fill the league in time. Or you can look for an almost filled league with an early starting date and join it.

“League jumping” will reward you with about 13% extra training per season:

SeasonNorm. league4‑team leagueFriendlyExtraBonus

General good advice regarding the YA:

Training is more important than the results in your youth matches. A well trained youth player can either fetch a nice sum of money on the transfer market, or become a valuable addition to your senior squad once promoted.

If you happen to have several players with fully trained skills, but not revealed as such, the coach will notify you of one of them at random. If the players skillbar has turned yellow, he is fully trained in that skill, whether the coach told you or not.

Focus your training on one or two players in your squad. It is, of course, much better to sell one player for 2 million than four players for 200.000E each, even if it is hurtful to let some talented players get older and older, without receiving any proper training.

Do not train two players in completely unrelated skills. For example one player in defense, and another in scoring. In this case both players will receive less than optimal training.

Remember that you can only promote one player per week. If your super-talent can be promoted on a Thursday at 17 years and 0 days, it would be rather foolish to promote a worthless player on Monday in the same week.

Play training matches whenever possible. Every 3rd week you can arrange a friendly match and, even though the amount of training received is less than for a league match (about 75%), it still counts in your player/s development.

Always keep at least 11 players in your squad, no matter how talentless they are. It is important to be able to muster a team to avoid loss of training. If you can't line-up at least 9 players (GK + 8 outfielders) on the field, at the start of the match, training is lost. So, make sure you always have 11-12 players in your YA. Better safe, than sorry! :)

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