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How I get a cheap solid coach?

During my scouting activity I notice that we get more and more very promising talents for our U20 team which the owner would like to train himself. Of course this is for us the ideal situation if the training conditions are fulfilled. But often is this not the case because the coach has not the necessary coaching skill. Therefore I would like to share with you how you could get a cheap solid coach.

The training success depends on the coaching skill. The higher the skill the faster your training. As a manager of a U20 candidate your coach should have at least a solid coaching skill. You have no chance to increase the coaching skill after you have hired your new coach. The skill can only drop if the leadership skill is in the meantime by disastrous.

The leadership quality of your coach has no influence to the training. If the leadership is high than it is better to play PIC or MOS. You have also no chance to increase the leadership quality but you have to be aware that this quality will drop in average each 24 weeks.

Agree-ability, honesty as well as aggressiveness or also health, type of trainer, form, age, leadership quality, stamina, A and B skills of the coach have no influence to the training. It is really only the coaching skill, training level, the stamina training share and the number of assistant coaches which impact the training success.

Of course the ideal situation would be to have a coach in your team with very high coaching and leadership skills. But the costs for an external recruited new coach are dependent on these two skills.

You have two possibilities to get a new coach. Either you recruit from external or you use an existing player. If you like a coach with high leadership quality the external recruiting will be quite expensive. Therefore I advice to use an existing player to get the new solid coach.

If you go for an existing player you have to be aware of the following conditions:

● The player must be already at least 16 weeks in your team
● This coaching skill cannot be higher than his experience, means player experience should be at least solid.
● The price of a new coach is depends on the experience of the player and the chosen coaching skill. The higher the experience the lower the costs.
● The leadership skill will not impacted if you change a player to your new coach.
● If you change an injured player to your coach he is immediately healed (therefore it will also often done if a national player is injured just before an important game...)

Therefore my advice is if you do not have such a prospect in your team then try to buy as soon as possible a cheap player with very high experience (at least brilliant) and a leadership quality of at least inadequate. It does not matter how old or which actual skills he is equipped with. Price, experience and leadership level should be your only search criteria. Of course if your talent has to be pulled in a shorter period than you have no other choice as to recruit from external your new coach. In this case buy just before the pulling a solid coach with poor leadership quality for the moment and keep an eye open to find soon or later a player which you could change to your coach in future.

Btw you will find the "change coach" function within the training section. For players which are at least 16 weeks in your team and are equipped with at least inadequate experience you can verify the change costs anytime.

2013-12-22 09:18:40, 3880 views

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