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Nippon ToTo

Nippon ToToは誰でも参加できるゲームです。
Nippon ToTo is a game open to everyone.

Nippon ToToは誰でも参加できるゲームです。日本での、リーグ戦、カップ戦、及び入れ替え戦の結果を予想してみましょう!他のHattrickの監督さんと競い合って、賞品を手に入れましょう!



Nippon ToTo is a game open to everyone. Guess the results of league games, cup games and qualifiers in Nippon! Compete against other Hattrickers, and maybe you'll win a prize?

The game has a thread in the Nippon forum, and you enter your predictions easily on a webpage. For more information, click here: (14529516.1)

We just started this season's game, and the first week saw 33 people take part. Can we make it 40? 50? You can help - by joining us!

2011-11-07 02:15:49, 2238 views

Link directly to this article (HT-ML, for the forum): [ArticleID=14218]

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